Turn many emails into one custom briefing

Hello, clean inbox.

✨ Try it out ✨
A mobile view showing many unread newsletters.

Don't read all these newsletters... 😅

Briefly will summarize what you care about in a single email.

The backhand downward pointing emoji

...read just one email instead 😌

"Hey Briefly - list all the concerts in LA this week!"

🤝 Lets get started 🤝

Briefly will summarize what you care about in a single email.

🤝 Lets get started 🤝
A mobile view showing many unread newsletters.

Stop trying to read all this 😅

Briefly will summarize the stuff you care about.

✨ Get started ✨

You decide what's important, and how often you want a brief

An image of the briefcase emoji

"List any deliverables my team asked me for this week"

Image of the money emoji

"Every morning, brief me on AAPL, TSLA, and UBER."

Image of the airplane emoji

"Every Monday, list any travel deals to tropical places."

Your data is yours alone

Shield with lock on it

Email content is yours. We do not retain emails after we've briefed you on them. We do not sell your data. Our revenue model is based on building summarization tech and providing a useful service with future premium add-ons we hope you'll like :)

Envelope with letter emerging. There's a lock icon on the letter.

We use Postmark to handle emails securely. If we use a third-party language model during summarization, we first ensure it will not retain your data, and does not train on your data. Here's an example of such a policy.